Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Nathan & Victoria - Together at Last

Victoria is home and big Brother Nate couldn't be happier. Victoria has finally come home and we could not have done it without all the help and support from our family & friends.

As most of you know Victoria was born at 1lb 7 oz's & 12 inches long she is now 5lbs and 18 inches long. She spent 108 days at Yale and is now finally home -She will continue to see the eye doctor weekly. Our new journey begins with Victoria home and we couldn't be happier.
To our new family at Yale NBSCU - THANK YOU WITH ALL OUR HEART!!!!
All our Love -
Lou, Paula, Nathan & Victoria


Lenny said...

We are SO happy for you guys! You're always in our thoughts.

Jessica said...

Wonderful, wonderful, WONDERFUL news!! That cheesy smiles on Nate reminds me of you Paula, how cute! They look fabulous together, where they belong, in each other's arms. You must be THRILLED!!

fina said...

We are so so happy for you guys! I wish we could go visit you soon. We will see Mom and Dad tomorrow and she will tells all about Victoria's home coming.Nathan looks so happy and proud to be the big brother! Love and miss you guys.

Rosa said...

Welcome home Victoria.

Linda said...

I am so very happy for all of you, I have all of you in my prayer, and I love the picture of Nathan and Victoria. I can't wait to see her, I am a little jealous that Stephanie got to see her and I didn't but my turn will come. I printed the picture and took it to my parents house my Dad put it up on the refrigerator, my Mom had tears of joy.
We love you all see you soon.

Anonymous said...

that is WONDERFUL news that Victoria is home!!! I am so happy for all of you. Your family is beautiful!!!