Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Nathan & Victoria - Together at Last

Victoria is home and big Brother Nate couldn't be happier. Victoria has finally come home and we could not have done it without all the help and support from our family & friends.

As most of you know Victoria was born at 1lb 7 oz's & 12 inches long she is now 5lbs and 18 inches long. She spent 108 days at Yale and is now finally home -She will continue to see the eye doctor weekly. Our new journey begins with Victoria home and we couldn't be happier.
To our new family at Yale NBSCU - THANK YOU WITH ALL OUR HEART!!!!
All our Love -
Lou, Paula, Nathan & Victoria

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Victoria is coming HOME!!!

Just received confirmation that Victoria's eyes are stable and she can come home. She will be seen weekly by the eye doctor at Yale until we are 100% sure that her eyes have been cleared. Will update everyone with pictures later tonight after we bring her home~

Monday, January 19, 2009

14 Weeks old

Victoria turned 14 weeks old yesterday and weighs (2175 grams) 5lbs 1 oz~ She has decided that she doesn't like her schedule (She was eating every 3 hours), So we now feed her when she wakes up, which is between 3 and 4 hours. She is more alert and eats much more when we let her sleep and wake on her own. We will be bringing in her carseat today and to go home, She needs to pass the carseat test and her eye exam. Her eyes will be checked tomorrow and depending on the results, She may be home this week. Nate has been singing her songs every night before bed and can't wait to see her.

Thank you to everyone for your continued thoughts and prayers.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

No more TUBES!

Victoria is now eating all on her own. She no longer needs the extra feedings via her tube. She is now 4lbs 14oz's and had her eyes checked on Tuesday. Victoria is almost ready to come home, but the eye doctor wants to see her again Tuesday before making a determination if we can visit via the outpatient program. So far her eyes are stable and haven't gotten any worse.

Monday, January 12, 2009

100 Days in NBSCU

Today Victoria turned 100 days old at Yale New Born Special Care Unit. She is 14 weeks old and weighs 2120 grams (4 lbs 10 oz's ) & 17 inches long. She is doing ok with her bottle feeds, but does need a little more coordination as she chokes from time to time. She will be having an eye exam this week and we hope to see that things are getting better. The doctor is still unsure if she will need laser surgery.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

38 Weeks

Victoria is now 38 weeks gestational age and weighs (1995 grams - 4lbs 5oz's) She had another eye exam yesterday and everything is still the same. She will be checked again in about 5 days and we hope that they will start getting better soon. Victoria is eating well, but not on full bottle feeds yet. She is now in room 5 (the growing and feeding room) -- Will post pictures later this week.

Monday, January 5, 2009

13 Weeks Old

Victoria is now 13 weeks old and growing, She is 1900 grams (4lbs 3 oz's) She had her eye exam and it is still the same, It hasn't gotten worse, but it hasn't gotten better. She will have another exam in 5-7 days. Nate was able to see Victoria (through the glass window) for the first time since Thanksgiving, He was so happy to see her. When we asked Nate what he wanted for his birthday he said "For Victoria to come home and live with us" -- He loves his baby sister.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Weekend Update

Victoria is in an open crib, she was maintaining her own body temperature and didn't need the heat from the isolete anymore. She is now 4lbs 2oz's and eating 40 cc's of milk every three hours.
Victoria had a hearing test this morning and passed with no problems.
Spoke with her doctors and she only has a few more things to do and she would be able to come home.

1. Pass her eye exam & not need surgery
2. Have no apnea or pulse drops
3. No more watery stools
4. No other surprises & continue to gain weight and GROW!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year Everyone -

Victoria is now 89 days old (37 weeks gestational age) She weighs 4lbs (1800 grams) She is eating 37 cc's every three hours and is now up to 6 bottles daily. By end of week she may be taking all her feedings from a bottle. Victoria took a bath yesterday and loved the water. She is doing well with maintaining her body temperature and may graduate to an open crib in a few days. Here are a few pictures of her over the last few days -